Sunday, June 25, 2017

2.47: Understand the Role of the Intercostal Muscles and the Diaphragm in Ventilation


Diagram showing Organs during Inhalation

Diagram showing Organs during Exhalation

  • External intercostal muscles contract, pulling rib cage upwards and outwards
  • Internal intercostal muscles relax and are pulled back to their elongated state
  • Diaphragm contracts and flattens, pushing abdomen walls outwards
  • As a result, thoracic volume increases, causing pressure to decrease
  • Decrease in pressure causes air to be drawn into lungs - inhalation

  • External intercostal muscles relax and are pulled back to their elongated state
  • Internal intercostal muscles contract, pulling rib cage downwards and inwards
  • Diaphragm relaxes and forms dome shape
  • As a result, thoracic volume decreases, causing pressure to increase
  • Increase in pressure causes air to be forced out of lungs - exhalation


  1. The 1st point is incorrect.
    Internal.I.Muscles -Relax in inhalation and contracts in exhalation

    1. You are mistaken. Pls go and review your notes again. The mentioned is correct

    2. I think he means internal intercostal muscle relax in inhalation, and relax for exhalation
