Sunday, June 25, 2017

3.4: Understand that the Growth of the Pollen Tube followed by Fertilisation Leads to Seed and Fruit Formation


Diagram showing Structure of Flower


  • Pollination involves the transfer of Pollen grain from an Anther (male plant structure) to a Stigma (female plant structure)
  • Hence, when Pollen grain lands on Stigma, this causes a Pollen tube to grow down the Style until it reaches an Ovule within the Ovary
  • This allows the Nucleus of Pollen grain to pass along the Pollen tube to fuse with Nucleus of Ovule via fertilisation
  • As a result, Ovule will form a Seed, while Ovule wall forms the Seed coat, and the rest of Carpel will develop into a Fruit to carry the Seed

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