Sunday, June 25, 2017

2.54: Describe the Xylem in Transporting Water and Mineral Ions from the Roots to Other Parts of the Plant

XYLEM: Tube system composed of dead cells (reinforced with Lignin) that transports Water through the plant via transpiration - evaporation of water from the surface of plant)

Diagram showing Structure of Xylem in Plant


Diagram Showing the Process of Transpiration in Plants

  • Cohesion: Force of attraction between Water molecules which allow Water to stick together
  • Adhesion: Force of attraction between Water molecules and other polar molecules - e.g Cellulose in plant cell wall

  • Water is transported throughout the plant via Xylem
  • Water is heated into Water vapour by sunlight in Spongy Mesophyll, transpiring out of Stomata which are pores on the underside of leaves
  • Loss of Water via transpiration creates negative pressure, causing transpiration pull of Water molecules up the Xylem to form a continuous transpiration stream
  • As a result, more Water is absorbed by the roots of the plant via osmosis


  • Constant uptake and transport of Mineral ions in plant (e.g Nitrates as a source of Amino acid to build Protein)
  • Maintaining turgidity of cells for plant growth
  • Provide Water to Photosynthesising cells in for Photosynthesis
  • Evaporative cooling of plant leaves to maintain optimum temperature for optimum enzyme activity

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