Sunday, June 25, 2017

3.36B: Understand How Most Genetic Mutations have No Effect on the Phenotype, Some have a Small Effect and Rarely do they have a Significant Effect

MUTATION: Rare and random change in DNA sequence coding for new alleles for gene

Diagram showing an Example of Mutation



  • Harmful mutations alter the base pair sequence in genetic code, coding for a different protein which may abrogate its normal function
  • Harmful mutations may cause genetic disorders that can be passed onto generations (e.g Cystic Fibrosis)
  • Harmful mutations may cause a drastic effect on phenotype of an individual


  • Neutral mutations alter the base pair sequence in genetic code, but has no effect on function of Protein
  • Neutral mutations may not affect the chances of survival of an individual


  • Beneficial mutations alter the base pair sequence in genetic code, coding for a different protein which allows organism to be better adapted to environment, thus increasing chances of survival
  • Beneficial mutations may be passed onto generations, therefore increasing chances of survival of species
  • Beneficial mutations may be caused by evolution as a means of Natural Selection, increasing the chances of survival of species if they are passed onto generations e.g carriers of Sickle Cell Allele are more resistant to Malaria

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