Sunday, June 25, 2017

3.38: Explain Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

EVOLUTION: Cumulative change in heritable characteristics of a population across successive generations

NATURAL SELECTION: Process where organisms that are better adapted to an environment will survive and reproduce to pass on genes to next generation


  • Individuals in a Species show a range of variation caused by differences in genes
  • Individuals with characteristics better adapted to the environment have a higher chance of survival, allowing thme to reproduce
  • These genes are passed onto their offspring, showing evolution of species via natural selection



Diagram showing the Evolution of Snails via Natural Selection


  • Organisms within the population will show variation via mutations
  • Mutated organism that has characteristics allowing them to be better adapted to the environment will have higher a chance of survival
  • Hence, they will reproduce to pass on these beneficial mutations to offspring
  • As a result, offspring will carry the same beneficial gene, allowing the population over time to be better adapted to environment - evolution via natural selection


  • Snails will undergo mutation to show variation in characteristics
  • Snail with mutated gene that codes for white shell is better adapted to environment due to camouflage, therefore increasing chances of survival
  • Hence, they will reproduce to pass on these beneficial mutations to offspring
  • As a result, offspring will carry the same beneficial gene - shown through increase in snails with white shells
  • Over time, population of snails with white shells will increase as they are better adapted to environment - evolution via natural selection

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