Sunday, June 25, 2017

4.17: Understand the Biological Consequences of Eutrophication caused by Leached Minerals from Fertilisers

EUTROPHICATION: Enrichment of an ecosystem (aquatic) with chemical nutrients (Nitrates, Phosphates, etc.)

  • Eutrophication is common around agricultural lands where artificial fertilisers are used
  • Nutrients are introduced via leaching from Soil by rainfall or released as part of Sewage


Diagram showing Process of Eutrophication

  1. Excessive Nutrients from fertilisers in farms are washed into rivers and lakes by rain
  2. Excessive Nutrients will Allow Rapid Plant Growth such as Algae, Duckweed and Other Plants As a result, Nutrients will encourage rapid plant growth, causing Algae bloom to form on the surface of rivers and lakes
  3. As the formation of Algae bloom on the Water surface blocks sunlight, this prevents Plants from absorbing sunlight via Photosynthesis, resulting in the death of aquatic Plants

  4. With less Photosynthesis occuring, Oxygen levels in rivers and lakes will deplete
  5. Additionally, Decomposers will break down dead Plants via aerobic respiration, depleting Oxygen reserves in Water
  6. Consequently, this will stress the survival of marine organisms, potentially leading to a reduction in biodiversity within the ecosystem

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