Sunday, June 25, 2017

5.1: Describe How Glasshouses and Polyethene Tunnels can be Used to Increase the Yield of Certain Crops

GLASSHOUSES: Glass building used to grow Plants in an enclosed environment

POLYETHENE TUNNELS: Polyethene tunnel that allows Plants to be grown in an enclosed and protected environment outdoors


Picture showing a Glasshouse

Picture showing a Polyethene Tunnel

  • Enclosed environment protects crops from the effects of weather - wind and rain, and extreme temperatures
  • Enclosed environment protects crops from pests or diseases that can inhibit plant growth
  • Enclosed environment traps heat from the Sun, creating a warm climate close to optimum temperature of plant enzymes, increasing rate of Photosynthesis to promote plant growth

  • Small scale of glasshouses allows internal conditions to be controlled to increase growth via increasing rate of Photosynthesis:
  • Artificial heating to increase temperature towards optimum for increased enzyme activity in plants for photosynthesis
  • Additional Carbon Dioxide releaed via burning Paraffin lamp for Photosynthesis
  • Regular Watering to enable Photosynthesis

  • Large scale of Polyethene tunnels allows for farmers and machines to work inside to increase crop yield
  • Enclosed environment creates a warmer climate close to optimum temperature of plant enzymes than if they were grown outside

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